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The Dream Team

I’ve recognized now, more than ever before, how much we need each other. We live in a world that’s constantly pressuring us to be independent and self-sufficient. While there are valuable lessons learned in that, I’ve noticed that the body of Christ is operating at its best when we live interdependently. When we rely on one another’s strengths and use those collectively to impact the Kingdom of God, we make a greater impact than what any one individual ever could.

Ecclesiastes 4:9-10 “Two are better than one because they have a good return for their labor: If either of them falls down, one can help the other up.”

Even the most self-motivated people have bad days (we’re human), so we need to have the right people surrounding us to hold us accountable in the hard times and also celebrate us in the good times.

So, that’s where we’re going today. I just want to give you some tips on building what I call a “Dream Team” to stand along with you as you journey through life. Just a quick note, these people may change through the different seasons of life. Pray and ask the Holy Spirit to who those people are to you and who you are to other people present.

Friends – We all need friends to do life with. These are the people who you laugh and joke with, stay up late to watch movies with, and just always know you can have a good time. You’re living with similar goals and desires. I consider these people in life my sisters and brothers. I know they have my back and I have theirs.

Accountability Partner – These are 1-2 people closer than the others who not only listen to your struggles but have the authority to call you out on things when you’re dropping the ball. This is the person who will slap that cinnamon roll out of your hands because you’re supposed to be eating healthier foods. Ask someone to be this for you. Give them permission to be your food slapper…or whatever it is you need.

Mentor – I believe wholeheartedly in mentors. This is someone who is a season or two ahead of you in life. Many people know this concept in the professional/career setting, but I challenge you to seek out someone ahead of you spiritually who will help you grow. I have been blessed with amazing women along my journey, and I’m grateful to have them helping me steward this life I’ve been given well.

Counselor – This is a person who is professionally trained to help you overcome past trauma and hurt. This is beyond the scope of what a mentor can do in your life. I recommend everyone having a regular check-in with a mental health counselor. Mine is a Christian Counselor so not only does she help me with my mental health but she also helps me walk out a healthier life for Jesus. We’ve all got baggage, and it’s so nice to have someone who can help me work through those things.


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