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Go, Set, Ready!

Do you remember as a kid participating in a race? Maybe it was in your neighborhood or at a school field day. Either way, many of us have heard what's yelled to start the race, "Ready, Set, Go!"

While this serves as a term to get a bunch of elementary school kids running like crazy, I think we often use this mantra as we start moving on our dreams. We have to get everything ready, get everything set, and then we go. Well, friend, in theory this sounds fantastic. However, I've found myself most often in a place where acting on the dreams I have is more like "Go, Set, Ready."

As a matter of fact, many never actually get to go, because in the getting ready and getting set they get overwhelmed or sometimes discouraged. Be honest with yourself, today. Have you refrained from your "Go" because you don't feel ready or that everything is set? We're going to look at a few things that keep us from running our race (literally).

1. The need to have things "perfect" before you go.

I'll be honest, I don't think I struggle terribly with this one, at least not anymore. I remember when God first laid the idea of Swords Up on my heart. All I had was a tripod stand, my iPhone, and some random places around my apartment and office that I could record. I used Canva to create my supporting materials and I used Mailchimp to distribute it in a daily email. After that, I got feedback from friends and implemented what I could. Now, it is the virtual course that it is today. 

I could've waited until I could afford high quality video equipment and a production team, but I'm rather confident that if I had waited, Swords Up wouldn't exist yet. Also, I wouldn't be able to offer it as a free forever virtual course because of the crazy overhead that would come with that. Lastly, all the people who have been blessed by Swords Up would still be unable to practically use and understand their Bible. I refuse to let having iPhone created videos stop me from using the resources God has put around me to do what He has placed on my heart to do.

We often find ourselves stalled, sitting in "Ready" mode because we're working so hard to make everything perfect. Don't let the need for perfection keep you from hitting "Go!"

2. The need to have all the details figured out before you go.

"How?" That's one of those questions that will keep you sitting in neutral on the dreams you have in your heart. This is one of those things that you have to trust the Lord with the details.

Trust in the Lord with all your heart and lean not on your own understanding; in all your ways submit to him, and he will make your paths straight. - Proverbs 3:5-6 NIV

God is calling us to do things. Our responsibility is to be obedient. As you get moving and going, you'll be able to shift and adjust as you need to. Trust God to work out details. Trust God with the little things.

3. The need to get it done by yourself before you go.

My name is Bria, and I like to do everything by myself. Seriously, I struggle with asking for help. Most times, it's just because I get an idea and just go for it that I don't even make the time to think about who I can invite along the journey with me. There are people who are in your corner who want to support and want to help.

I remember the day I realized that I wanted to officially start developing a product that's on my heart to do. I needed some extra funds to see if start and come to life. For the first time, I had to ask for financial support to see this project get going. Now, I could've waited until I could save enough money to do it on my own, but that would've delayed me at least 3-4 months. God has given us all resources, and those come in the form of people, materials, finances, etc. Use the resources God has given you and go for it!


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