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Don't Forget!

Let’s chat for a minute. I’ve wrestled these last few months with a conviction about where I’ve placed my identity and my hope. My identity (purpose, worth, and value) is so easily placed in work achievements, people’s approval, and whether I’m on track with my “5-year plan”. My hope (confidence, assurance, and faith) can be quickly shifted to relationship success, physical health, and financial security. It doesn’t happen on purpose. It’s just really easy to place our hope into the things we see and let our identity be shaped by what’s happening around us.

Let’s redirect our identity and hope to the place it belongs – in the hands of our Heavenly Father. Why? Because when the storms come, you might find resistance in the winds. You might be beaten by the rains. But you will stand because you made the choice to build your house on a solid foundation.

When someone you respect disapproves of a decision you make, your worth and value will remain unscathed. If you look back after investing time, emotion, and trust into a relationship that doesn’t work out, your hope in Jesus will sustain you and move you forward. If you get an unfavorable doctor’s report, your identity as a Child of God remains fully intact. Let’s fight to make it a priority to daily place the truest parts of who we are – our identity and hope – into the hands of the only one who can carry us through it all. Just as the scripture says, He is our shield. His love is unfailing. And we can hang out hats on that truth day after day, storm after storm.

We put our hope in the Lord. He is our help and our shield. In him our hearts rejoice, for we trust in his holy name. Let your unfailing love surround us, Lord, for our hope is in you alone. – Psalm 33:20-22 (NLT)


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