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3 People You Need in Your Life

So, we all know people. Business is often about reaching new audiences, building your network, and growing your circle. While these things help us in our careers, they are not quite the way to build lasting success. If you really want to see your brand stick and your business grow, you must be intentional about having the right people in your corner. To be clear, you’ve got to have 3 specific people. I call it your NET. This idea isn’t just business related. You can experience lasting success in your relationships, your finances, and any other area if you keep these 3-people close.

The Neighbor
It feels good to know that there is someone out there who gets it. While I do have friends I can talk to, they won’t always understand my job struggles because none of them do what I get to do. You need to have that fellow (you fill in the blank) for the good and bad days. They may have similar goals as you and can keep you encouraged and they can be a fresh set of eyes for new ideas you have. You each should give the other permission to be held accountable to the goals you have set. I have a friend who is walking with me to stick to my budget. She knows to ask me “is that in your budget?” when I tell her about something I want to buy. And, I do the same for her. Who in your corner loves you enough to call you out on something for no reason other than she cares about you and your success.

The Experienced
This person is the one who is or has been where you’re trying to go. They may or may not be an expert, but they have experienced more than you. If you’re trying to reach a goal, start a business, or simply strengthen your faith walk, you need…I repeat, you NEED someone ahead of you on the journey. They should be willing to share the lessons they’ve learned and help you see things from a wiser perspective. How does this look in my life? Well, I desire to live a life of faith that is more than church attendance but one that is a genuine relationship of love, trust, and communication with God. Believe me, I cannot do this on my own, but I have an amazing mentor who challenges me and gives me advice that has helped me stay strong in the difficult seasons. If you want to elevate levels, then you want to make sure you have someone who has mastered where you’re headed.

The Trainee
This person is necessary to keep you from becoming self-centered and self-destructive. If you don’t have anyone who you can be pouring into and sharing wisdom with, then you might want to pause for a minute. Basically, you need to be a neighbor and an expert to somebody out there. I know you want to be all about making your next move, but that’s not nearly as important as investing in someone else. Let’s face it, you won’t be around here forever. Why spend your entire life building an empire that crumbles the very day you breathe your last breath? If you really want to leave a legacy, find someone you can be pouring into and building up to be their best self. You can be the influencer they need to go on and do something better than you ever could.


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